News & Events


Please note that the new cycle of scholarship applications has started on January 1, 2025. 

Please first carefully read the conditions and details of scholarship application. 

Scholarship Application

Good luck!

Ladino – The Next Generation
A special course for the continuity and dissemination of Ladino culture

Here we go!

The flagship project of the National Authority for Ladino Culture and the Salti Institute for Ladino Research at Bar-Ilan University started on 4.11.24
17 fellows elected to take part in the program will be at the forefront of action in Israel in the field of learning.

Good luck to everyone!

The Certificate Studies on the History and Heritage of Turkey’s Sephardim is over after an incredibly enriching and wonderful year

We invited Hadas Pal-Yarden (a Salti Fellow) together with Eliyahu Degami who took us to the clouds with their explanations and Sephardi music.
We thank our students for their participation and their active involvement in our program.
We are grateful to Prof. Shmuel Refael for his vision and leadership, to Dr. Dov Cohen for his incredible support, to Dr. Nivi Gomel, Dr. Ilil Baum and all invited lecturers from Israel, Turkey Europe and the USA and we are grateful to Dr Bella Basan for her dedication to successfully manage our project despite her loaded professional responsibilities outside the institute.
We thank Lina Filiba for being a bridge with Turkey and to Dafna Namdar in helping with library resources as well as all secretarial responsibilities.
Most importantly we are thankful to Selim Yehoshua Salti for his vision and endless support. It has been an incredibly rewarding year, thank you…

Certificate Studies in “the Culture and History of Turkey’s Sephardim” is continuing. 

We are delving in the intricacies of the Jewish past in Turkey, learning intimately their lives, culture and heritage.  

The certificate program students are joined by the Institute Ladino Master students and together enjoy different ways of learning: lecture, peer learning, gallery talk and Ladino class.

Meeting in the library of the Salti Ladino Institute at Bar Ilan University every week, course participants learn from a different visiting subject matter expert as well as the Institute academic team.

We profusely thank Prof. Shmuel Refael, Dr. Dov Cohen, Dr. Bella Bassan and Dafna Namdar and every dedicated supporter as well as the wonderful class participants who have immediately become an extended family in the Salti Institute.  

brochure english

The Salti Foundation distributes scholarships for 2023 – 24

We were happy to host on September 13, 2023 the recipients of the Salti Foundation Scholarships for the academic year 2023 – 24. 

Meeting in the library of the Salti Ladino Institute at Bar Ilan University, we celebrated our Sephardi heritage and students shared their personal and familial connections with their heritage and with Ladino. 

Thanking profusely Prof. Ora Rodrigue Schwartzwald for her vast support for Ladino over the years, we had a chance to benefit from her vast knowledge of Hebrew and Ladino and discovered together many Ladino words used in Hebrew. 


Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Salti Institute

The Salti Ladino Institute celebated its 20. anniversary with a special event organized by the Bar Ilan University on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at the Institute premises.

President Prof. Arie Zaban presented Naime Salti the Presidential Award of Distinction.


Mimi Salti receives Bar Ilan University Presidential Prize